
New Year’s Safety Reminders

Dec 27, 2017

The new year is almost here!

The Decatur Police Department is here to help you ring in 2018 safely with a few handy tips.

As you celebrate this weekend, please remember:

  • Never drink and drive. With options like Uber and Lyft, there’s never an excuse to drive home under the influence. A designated driver is the most important part of your New Year’s plan.
  • Pick a place. According to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, accidents involving alcohol are more likely to occur between midnight and 3:00 a.m. Avoid the roads during these times by staying with a friend or hosting your party in a safe place that requires minimal transportation.
  • Watch the crowd. If you decide to celebrate with a large group, be aware of your surroundings. If someone is acting unusually, give them plenty of space or leave the premises.
  • Protect your pets. The loud noises of music and guests on New Year’s may startle your pets. Make sure all gates and doors are closed and locked. Secure your furry friends in a comfortable room with a low-volume TV or radio once the evening begins to keep them safe and calm.
  • Remember firework regulations. There are plenty of places to safely view fireworks around the Tennessee Valley. City ordinance does not allow fireworks in the city limits.

Stay safe and alert throughout the holiday weekend!

If you see what you believe to be an intoxicated driver or dangerous behavior, report it directly to 911.

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